Thursday, July 1, 2010

My first attempt at fancy food

Well, by now you may have all noticed that I'm not quite as culinarily (I know that's not really a word, but just work with me) inclined as all of you. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the only post I've contributed to this blog was filled with pictures of food that I had no part in preparing. So, Steve and Rachel took matters into their own hands and gave me a subscription to Cuisine at Home magazine for my birthday so that I too could venture into the world of food that doesn't come in a box. Without further ado, I give you...MARGHERITA PASTA WITH GRILLED CHICKEN

I was planning on taking pictures along the way so you could see the progress of this fantastic dish, but I kind of forgot. The dish consists of tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil, garlic, pine nuts, and chicken and is dressed with olive oil. I added a little lemon juice and salt at the end which gave it a good kick. I only set the smoke alarm off three times (I had some problems toasting the pine nuts), so I'm calling this a successful first try!


  1. Ooo, that looks really good. Way to go, Lisa! Did you eat it, too?

  2. You said it was a fantastic dish, but didn't tell us how it tasted. I'm assuming it was very good; sure looks and sounds great! I'd say you are culinarily inclined!

  3. It tasted fantastic as well :)

  4. I've been trying to get over my obsession with tomatoes (although not a bad thing to be craving considering my many other options...chocolate, coffee, lard, cigarettes...ok, those last two were just to make the first two sound more virtuous) but you just kicked me right back into the pit. Looks delicious Lisa - the baby would like for you to come make some for her. :)
