Thursday, March 26, 2020

(Houghton) Barnhart Bread and Brownie Baking Bonanza

As the Houghton Barnharts are in the beginning days of "stay home, stay safe," the baking has been a highlight of our days indoors.  

We had been perfecting pies....

(It was Pi Day....had to eat pies!)

And Elisabeth has been working on muffins (of amazing deliciousness).  She makes them for breakfast on Tuesday mornings, and usually saves three to share with the Cischke ladies (who are very grateful for a delicious treat mid-morning). 
Because the governor issued an executive order on Monday requiring us to "stay home, stay safe" effective midnight Monday, she decided to do her breakfast baking early....and deliver 5 muffins on Monday evening for their usual Tuesday mid-morning snack (we've increased the number since Kit and Cameron are home now as well).  These are the Rhubarb-filled Streusel Muffins from King Arthur Flour's website.  There were still nearly 20 left for the Barnharts to consume....very willingly over a couple of days.

 But today....our third day of "confinement"...was bread and brownie day! 

 Our sourdough is a regular Thursday dinner item, usually accompanying a big pot of soup.  We've been using this batch of sourdough starter for a little over 10 years now.  Our technique has definitely improved in that time, as well as having an increased number of sourdough consumers.  It was especially excellent today....the whole wheat dough had a nice long rise before baking.  Bread is usually made by Rachel, though Ella may try her hand at it next week after watching the process this morning.

After dinner, Elisabeth decided that we should have dessert, and we had all of the ingredients on hand for a "big batch of brownies" (exactly what my recipe says).  They were most excellent, though we did make a slight modification and used some coconut oil for part of the butter (I'm trying to ration my butter until grocery day).  They were still warm!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Oh Shannon Dogs!

to be sung to the tune of Danny Boy

Oh Shannon Dogs the dinner bell is ringing,
A call to all from near and far to come.
To taste once more the wonder of the Shannon Dog,
To know that this old recipe is still alive.

Who would have known that celery and hot dogs,
and onions sauted would be so good with cheese?

When baked so gently the tastes are more than we can say 
and all who taste will sing their love of thee dear Shannon Dog.