Friday, December 10, 2021

Peter Picked a Pickled Pepper, or Adventures in Making Hot Sauce

For reasons unbeknownst to ourselves, Olivia and I planted several habañero plants this past spring, and ended up with a bumper crop of habañeros. Olivia declared that she wanted nothing to do with the peppers, so I decided to try making a homemade hot sauce.

I wanted to make a brined hot sauce, so after chopping up the vegetables and adding them to the jars, I poured in a brine solution. Then I stored the jars out of sunlight in the pickling cellar (aka, the basement).

About two weeks later, the fermentation was complete and it was time to make the hot sauce.

Draining the brine sauce (but I kept it because it would be added to the mixture to thin it).

I ran the pickled peppers through the blender, adding a bit of brine to the mixture to thin it out.

Eventually I got it to the consistency that I was looking for.

 All that's left was to give it a taste test. The closest food at hand was a rice cake, and I'd say it was suitably hot! Has a good, bright habañero flavor, and is good on just about anything that needs a little kick!

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