Saturday, February 21, 2015

Superbowl Soft Sourdough Pretzels

We made these soft sourdough pretzels for a superbowl party last month.  Though we didn't watch the superbowl, we did have a tailgate party food theme - except we stayed warm and ate inside.  

These pretzels are the second time I've attempted pretzels with the sourdough.  My first try was more experimental and I was trying to make hard pretzels.  I think I can safely say we all enjoyed the soft pretzels more.  These are good with a little mustard.


  1. They look delicious, Steve! As golden as they appear, I wondered if they had mustard in them already, but thinking not. They look very yummy!

  2. The golden color comes from being boiled in water with baking soda, then baking. Plus the light was a little warm for the photo.

  3. Please send one of those immediately to Seattle. Anywhere in the city will do. I'll find it by the delicious smell and mouthwatering taste. Though I may have to fight off a few thousand people to get to it first.
