Friday, May 11, 2012

Hancock Knows Good Pizza

After a short (three month) hiatus, I feel that it's time for another Friday pizza post.  Yes, that's right - this is Foodie Friday.

Now in a head-to-head battle, Hancock deep dish is pitted against that claim to fame of Chicago.  We'll let the pictures do the telling.

We have a ham & green olive and a cheeeese pizza each with its gloriously golden crust and totally tomato top.


  1. Uhmm! I wish someone would make pizza like this when we're all together. It's just plain criminal to post these delectillyisous (a Sissy Seagul word:) pizza pictures, and all we can do is drool. Won't cast my vote for one or the other (Chicago vs Hancock) for I didn't get to taste either, though I think the girls are running a close second to Aunt Janell, for cheesy smiles:-)

  2. Those are some good-looking pizzas! I think I need to make an emergency food trip up to Hancock one of these Fridays...

  3. The pizzas from both cities look equally tantalizing, so I think the tie-breaker here is going to be quantity. Two good pizzas are always better than one good pizza, so the Hancock Pizza Crafters win this round!!

  4. If anyone wants to stop in for pizza, please give us two hours advance notice.
