Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baking =

James stays with us almost every weekend. For the most part he's all boy. He loves sports, video games, pranks, eating, more sports, more video short, we have almost nothing in common. Except for that eating part. :) We both love food - eating it, talking about it, and now making it. I try to set aside time for us to make something together each time he is with us. Usually he acts a bit impatient with how long the process takes or how many steps it involves, but he's always very proud of the finished product.

Math Lessons
I always thought I wouldn't do what mom and dad (wisely) did and turn every day moments into little lessons, but today I found myself giving a mini math lesson in the middle of making a loaf of bread. Hey, what better time to prove you really do need math? :)

An Inexpensive Activity
As a super-intelligent person, I have quickly come to a new and startling are expensive! But a little flour, butter and eggs make for a pretty inexpensive way to spend our Saturday morning.

I hope. Waiting for it to cool.


  1. What a neat post, and good for you! Perspective can make such a difference, and it reminds me of something Uncle Pat has often shared with me, "Happiness is a journey, not a destination." There is so much to be gleaned, from our everyday happenings, and therein, lies much of the happiness we long for. Your baking yielded a very nice loaf, in more ways than one!

  2. Ooo! That bread looks very good.

    Good job with the lessons. Though, some people would argue that math is only good for making bread. And some other people might argue that you don't really need math to make bread after all.

  3. That bread looks delicious!

    Regarding your tendency to turn everyday happenings into lessons: have you started using old movies from the library to teach life lessons about self-esteem? Do you turn joking comments into serious conversations about morality? If so, you should be gravely concerned.

  4. I believe I'm being targeted! So be it; I'll check back with you, down the road, when you're raising your own children:)
