Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One More Hurrah for Summer!

Let's have one more hurrah for summer...ok, two. Two cheers for summer and grilling!

Though I profess to grill year round in sun, rain, hail, or snow, the reality is that the grilling season is now diving into a deep double dip recession. The initial chill of autumn has already shocked us into scurrying around looking for nuts but we will rebound and grill again before snow. Then, it's nearly over. Not that I don't enjoy grilling in the snow, it's just hard when you have to shovel the grill off between burger flips.

But let's remember the good times and let the snow come as it may. Here are two recently grilled entrees for your viewing (and dreaming) pleasure. Please make sure Nikki, Twila, Ozzie, and Fletcher are nowhere near before you scroll down - unless you'd care to have your keyboard salivated on.

Grilled burgers topped with fresh garden tomatoes, cheeses, and grilled jalapeƱos (Mmmmm). Charcoal grilled and smoked with fresh jalapeƱo (I dropped one in the coals).

Make room for cow! When you need to clear space for this year's cow, it's time to grill up the T-bone and Porterhouse. The kids didn't complain. This was grilled over hardwood charcoal with hickory chunks for a hefty flavor.

Add your own photos if you have some late season grilling to show.


  1. Don't know about the dogs, but I sure am salivating! Cute post, and most delectable pictures, Steve!

  2. That pile of steaks looks like more meat than I've eaten in the last month! Though from the size of my belly I don't think that's true. Those burgers look delicious. Maybe you can grill for us when you're down here in December. We keep our grill right next to the house so you can just reach your arm out the door and flip the meat. Very convenient.

  3. there's drool on my keyboard, but I don't have a dog to blame it on...

  4. Well, Janell. I'd be glad to grill when we visit in December. Just keep the grill warm for me.
