Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Apple a Day

I ate several pieces just to be sure I got a whole apple.

This is a simple apple tart from a cookbook my friend Casi got me. It's just sliced apples with a custard around it, but I really liked it. It didn't have any cinnamon which sort of surprised me, but in the end I liked how it brought out the taste of the apples.


  1. Thanks Janell. I enjoy how this tart stretches out of the picture and seems to go on forever. Just how long is it and would you measure it in inches or bushels?

    Very good for a first tart. In fact, very good for any tart.

  2. Woah! Hey, can you and Andy adopt me? I'd make a very good foster son. And I'd only require one or two of these Infinity Apple Tarts each week.

    That looks incredible.

  3. I even dreamed about this tart last night, after taking a quick look at the Blog, before heading to bed. How impressive, Janell! But I think she's pulling our leg, guys, cuz I found it at Wayne's Deli, in my dream, and I'm sure there's an equivalent deli in her area!

  4. that looks gorgeous! I agree with Ben. I want you guys to adopt me too

  5. Nice job Janell! Did you have any trouble lifting the tart out of its pan?

  6. I take Janell's silence as an indication that this tart was not lifted from its pan, but consumed whole.

  7. Ah! It lifted out of the pan quite nicely, just in time for me to consume it in it's entirety. I think it's about time to make another tart...I've heard babies need lots of apples.
