Saturday, May 30, 2015


No offense Ben, but I feel like we've been wearing o' the green long enough and it's not making me feel all that hungry any more.

And so, I bring you....


Well, not really.  It's cabbage and noodles and it's one of our favorite dishes.  But this once it reminded me a bit of eggseronious from the movie Earnest Goes to Camp.  Maybe you've got something eggseroniouser than this.  If so, feel free to counter-post.


  1. Ha! Makes me want to get ahold of said Ernest movie and watch for, "eggseronious." Don't remember that, but usually didn't catch whole cartoons or movies, back in the day. Just the movie to find at the library!

  2. I don't think I ever watched this Ernest movie. Sounds like a movie night at the Ziemelis residence is in order!
