Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Krumkake for Christmas

Krumkake is a traditional Norwegian specialty (I think).  Maybe it's a Norwegian American specialty.  It's been over ten years since I first had Krumkake at the Gerards' house and the kids have never had it.  We've been wanting to make these again for quite some time. And Christmas Eve seemed like a good time.

A light batter is cooked in a special griddle for a couple minutes.  Then the hot cake is quickly rolled on a tapered spindle where it cools in that shape.  The griddle was borrowed from Rachel's dad and the recipe for the batter was her Grandma Rachel's.  We made it with coffee instead of milk, which is apparently the way she made it.

You might imagine that it would take quite some time to make enough krumkake for a family of six.  It does - but it's worth it.  The result is a wonderfully light, crisp cone reminiscent of a waffle cone, but thinner and more delicate.  We served it filled with almond whipped cream, then experimented with hot fudge, Nutella, and my favorite - thimbleberry jam with whipped cream.  They're tasty plain, too.

One recipe made enough for Christmas Eve and a treat for Christmas Day breakfast, to go with our pancakes.  In fact, I think we're not halfway through the batter, so I might experiment with freezing it.  You can only eat so much krumkake!