For all of you riddle-solvers out there who just didn't get enough mental work-out with Ben's last blog post, Steve and I have been working on our own food challenge for you to solve. We've been processing this one for a while, and finally have enough details worked out to be able to share it with you. If the puzzle is still unsolved after a week, we'll add more details (following Ben's lead). So, here goes....
A king and queen decided to give a banquet, because they greatly enjoy being hospitable and sharing their time and resources with others. Their "super chef" was given free reign over menu planning and also determining when to hold the banquet and the theme of the party. They (the king and queen) just needed to show up when directed.
The "super chef" provided the royal couple with a multi-course menu plan. It was as follows:
1st Course: lasagna and yogurt
2nd Course: toasted bagel sandwiches with cheddar cheese and fresh tomatoes, seasoned with salt and freshly ground pepper
3rd Course: cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise and dill pickle slices
4th Course: fried chicken, cole slaw, baked beans, homestyle macaroni & cheese and biscuits and gravy
The king and queen have been notified of the theme of the party and it's timing. Your challenge is to determine what specific occasion this menu would be appropriate for. The royal couple will assess the results and (after the correct response has been given) provide more details regarding the timing of the event.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Don't judge a dish by its appearance (unless you're a judge on a cooking show, then by all means, judge away)
Well, thank you Ben for making me feel more confused than usual last week. I think this proves that I need to solve more riddles so I can be in good mental shape when another one comes my way.
Last week when I was snowed in during the winter blizzard of 2011, it seemed like the perfect time to try out a new recipe. I leafed through my Cuisine at Home Magazine and was immediately drawn to the Pork and Mushroom Stew because:
A) It's winter and that's when you eat stew
B) There was a pretty picture next to the recipe
Thanks to David, I had state of the art cookware to use : ) Browning the pork
"Ooooo, Lisa! Please put us in the pot so we can be Pork and Mushroom Stew!"

Although this finished product may bear a striking resemblance to dog poop sauce, I assure you it tasted amazing. I followed the recipe's suggestion and made apple-potato mash; boiling a granny smith apple with the potatoes and mashing it all together. It was surprisingly good! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check my koolaid brussel sprouts.
Last week when I was snowed in during the winter blizzard of 2011, it seemed like the perfect time to try out a new recipe. I leafed through my Cuisine at Home Magazine and was immediately drawn to the Pork and Mushroom Stew because:
A) It's winter and that's when you eat stew
B) There was a pretty picture next to the recipe
Although this finished product may bear a striking resemblance to dog poop sauce, I assure you it tasted amazing. I followed the recipe's suggestion and made apple-potato mash; boiling a granny smith apple with the potatoes and mashing it all together. It was surprisingly good! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check my koolaid brussel sprouts.
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