I made some onion soup the other day. It wasn't a terribly complicated recipe. Actually, it was outright easy. But I wasn't terribly hungry at the time and hence decided to fully tease out the process of cooking down the onions. The cookbook said to give it 30-40 minutes. I think I maybe let mine go for an hour or two.

This had the effect of heightening my anticipation (smell of cooking onions) as well as fully wringing out the flavor of the otherwise unpleasant fruit (yes, onions are a fruit. go look it up).

I also made some banana bread. It was supposed to be a great recipe. I had made it for my roommate and his girlfriend a couple weeks earlier and they'd raved about it. Once again, setting out in great anticipation, I whipped it up a couple afternoons ago. As I took this picture, I was actually thinking about writing up the blog post, wondering how to communicate that I'd just made the world's best banana bread without coming across as too arrogant. Well, it turns out it wasn't necessary to solve that little conundrum. The bread was on the dry side (perhaps overcooked), lacking sweetness (despite 3/4 cup of sugar!), a little too homogeneous (I guess I like my banana bread a little chunky) with no overall remarkability. So, here's the picture, but I won't post the recipe:

Also, I admit that onions are not a fruit. But at least I got you to go to Wikipedia and thereby learn that onions are "one of the oldest vegetables known to humankind."